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(T1B2) Crafting Fun

This summer I was very interested in photo editing and using ebay to sell my crafts. I found this really useful book that went over al...

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

(T1B60) Cancer

I heard that my teacher got kidney cancer :(. I hope he is doing well for his surgery.

(T1B59) Miniature Cotton Candy Tutorial

Wanna learn how to make super cute miniature cotton candy? Read on!

So the first thing that you want to do is to get some chalk and shave it with your scissors! Make sure you choose a colour related to cotton candy. I used red and blue. Next take a cotton ball and dip it into your chalk. Paint your toothpick white and glue it into your cotton ball. Like this:
Image result for shaved chalk  Image result for glue on toothpick

Have Fun!

(T1B58) Ebay Cotton Candy!

Just sold my miniature eBay Cotton Candy 1:12 scale set! Check it out here: Extremely cute handmade cotton candy CLICK HERE. Anyways I'm going to post a tutorial for it in the next post, so stay tuned!

(T1B57) Borders and Boundaries

During the afternoon I had a socials presentation on a border or boundary in our world. I decided to study the boundaries in income so I built a dollhouse containing the points I was going to talk about.

I based the house on this design:
Image result for poverty house model

(T1B56) I.C.E. Project

For the past couple minutes, I have been working on my I.C.E. project, which is a year long project where you study an essential question in four point of views: English, Science, Social Studies, and Media Arts. I'm having trouble coming up with facts for Media Arts and English, but everything else is going fine. I just finished writing a bibliography (formating took Forever).

Tips for projects like this: I like to write out all of my notes under a heading with the link to the site I used. When you submit your project, you'll know which sites you used and when you accessed them :))).

See you in the next post!

(T1B55) Volunteer

I was thinking that I needed to start working on my extracurricular volunteer services so I sumitted an application to Learning Buddies a few weeks ago. To my surprise, I was the only one in Grade 9 who actually got a call for interviews! Sadly, I saw the taxi which was supposed to pick me up leave :(. Oh well... I might get another call some other time.

Friday, November 11, 2016

(T1B54) Police

Just then I thought there was a bomb outside. Turns out it was a police officer trying to break down my neighbour's door when no one was answering. Apprently she hasn't left her house in a few days and someone called the police.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

(T1B52) Poor Muslims

After Donald Trump got elected, his supporters started violent attacks. These muslim people tecided not to wear their religious clothes. These innocent people are afraid to live in America.

What happenned to the United States?

(T1B51) Trump Supporter Madness

I just read that some Trump supporters beat up a gay man, dragged him into an alleyway and hit him with beer cans until he bled really bad. People like this shouldn't be called human. How can they have no heart?

No wonder they're so undeducated. I hope nothing like this ever happens again. I wish they got hit with beer cans until they bled that bad. They have no idea what it's like to suffer.

Bernie Sander 2020.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

(T1B50) Donations!

I just received some Christmas Card Donations for my Non-Profit Organization in the mail! The etsy artist sent us 12 amazing cards that are all wrapped up in plastic. They look great!

Image result for christmas card handmade

(T1B49) Donald Trump Wins

OMG I can't believe Donald Trump won... I mean in the beginning of the year, everybody was saying how he was such a joke and laughing at his hair. Now he's the 45th president of the United States. What's happening to America?

Image result for donald trump hair

Crazy hair. $60, 000 wig?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

(T1B46) Pizza Party!

Image result for pizza

Yesterday at Vivian's place, we had some sparkling juice, pizza, and chicken slices. Then we watched Hotel Transylvania and went Trick-or-Treating twice! We got so much candy!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

(T1B44) Halloween! Jack-O-Lantern

I can't wait untill Halloween! I'm going with some of my friends to trick or treat around Kerrsidale! Later on we're going to eat pizza and watch a scary movie. It's going to be so awesome! By the way I'm going to be a devil!

Image result for halloween

(T1B43) Cuts

Yesterday I fell down and cut my leg and hand. I hope they won't form a scar...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

(T1B42) CWSF

Image result for science experiment cwsf

(T1B41) Lights

Image result for pretty oil paintings rain
This painting is so pretty...

(T1B40) Pretty Photography

Image result for night photography

(T1B39) Relaxing Images Pt. 4

Image result for night photography

(T1B38) Relaxing Images Pt. 3

Image result for most relaxing desktop wallpaper

(T1B37) Relaxing Images Pt.2

Image result for most relaxing desktop wallpaper

(T1B36) Relaxing Images Pt.1

(T1B35) Foody World

Food World Re-opened. I hope I don't get Listeria.

(T1B35) Chemistry

My science fair project has a lot of chemistry... I have to understand this:

"The active ingredient in the Indicator Solution is Sulphide anions (S–). When mixed with water, reacts with lead cations (Pb++) to produce a distinctive brownish-black color. The chemical equation is as follows:
Na2S + H2O + Pb++ > PbS + Na+ + OH- + H2S

Sodium Sulphide mixed with water and lead produces lead sulphide (PbS). Bi- products in reaction include hydrogen sulfide H2S gas, sodium ions (Na+) and hydroxide ions (OH-)
Balanced equation: 2Na2S + 2H2O + Pb++ > PbS + 4Na+ + 2OH- + H2S"

I'm pretty sure that I'm screwed.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

(T1B29) Unique!

I am so happy right now! I just finished developing a completely unique project for my science fair that has great implementations in the real world! Also my npo project is going GREAT! We just got 3 offers to donate mugs to our company, so we can begin selling really soon!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

(T1B28) Carbon Cloth

I don't know where I should buy carbon cloth for my electrodes in the mfc! Some are so expensive (like $20 for a 2 x 2 cm piece). I don't know the surface area for the other one though... Here is the link for the cloth I want to buy: eBay Link.

Image result for carbon cloth electrode

Thursday, October 13, 2016

(T1B27) Science Fair Proposals

Hey guys! I'm going to be writing a series of blogs about my science fair proposals.

1. Construct a mfc as previously described. Soil samples will be collected 5 cm below ground, and will be immediatly transferred to the anode after dampening with water. The cell will be incubated at 25 - 30 degrees celcius. Multimeter readings will be taken after a stable current is acheived.

Notes: a few innovations will be applied; in the anode, a tube will be attached to a bottle to deliver substrates by gravitational drip. The tube will be placed next to the biofilm, or where the electrode base is. Another tube will be attached to a container filled with water to remove excess gas from the anode. The whol mfc will be placed on top of a large plastic container to catch any possible leaks.

Methods to reduce internal resistance: reduce distance between electrodes, increase ion concentrations in salt bridge (increase conductivity). Considerations to use graphite rods for electrodes will be investigated.

Part II will be in the next blog!

The proposals are due next class :(.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

(T1B26) Hurricane?

I recently read about a potential storm and three hurricanes that are coming to metro Vancouver and some other places tonight... I'm pretty worried about it. It's supposed to be a level 4 hurricane.

Image result for hurricane

I don't get why they look so pretty from space though!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

(T1B25) Chemistry :(

There's a lot of chemistry in my science project that's really hard :(.
"The element has 82 protons and 82 electrons for a net neutral charge. There are 5 electron shells that are completely filled and 4 electrons in the 6th shell. The outer 4 electrons are available for chemical reactions. (Refer to the shell model which shows a dot for each electron). These outer electrons are named 6s2 and 6p2 and they can escape from the atom through a chemical reaction called oxidation to create a lead ion that has a +2 charge (missing 2 electrons) or a +4 charge (missing 4 electrons). The molecule that receives the electrons from Pb will be reduced. Oxidation and reduction reactions always occur together."

I'll need to do a lot of readings later.

Image result for i dont know what im doing meme

(T1B24) Volunteer Opportunities

So I've been reflecting on possible volunteer opportunites for a while... Here's a list I compiled:

  • Food Bank - cooking such as heating soup or slicing bread
  • Blood Donations - give cookies to people who just donated blood
  • Heart and Stroke - knock on doors and ask for donations
Eh. It'll probably be a while until I secure a position. Hopefully I can do research at the blood research thing sometime soon.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

(T1B23) Mechanisms of Bio remediation?

I'm sort of puzzled behind the mechanisms of bio remediation from the bacteria living in the fuel cells. Many research papers revealed that the main mechanism of heavy metal reduction is adsorption. I was hoping that they could also metabolize the bacteria into less toxic forms.

Image result for microbial bioremediation

(T1B22) Samples?

I'll be getting my soil samples to run my microbial fuel cells near the Fraser river and perhaps the heavy metal contaminated gardens? I'm really hoping that the samples contain a lot of living anaerobic bacteria. If not it would take forever for them to grow into a bio film.

Image result for soil based microbial fuel cell

Here are the principles involved with soil based microbial fuel cells. Of course I doing a lot of changes to its construction so it generate more power.

(T1B21) Decisions

Right now I'm not sure what I should do... I could either go on with the project idea I have right now or make it more complex so that I can go to Safoni Biogenius Challenge. I know that if I do choose to go to the Biogenius Challenge, I would probably not do so well at CWSF or regionals... But I would be the youngest there.

(T1B20) Microbial Fuel Cells!

I decided to work on bio remediation in microbial fuel cells. This way we can generate electricity while treating waste! Here is a diagram on how a fuel cell works:
Image result for microbial fuel cell

I'm actually pretty excited to start my project. I have been reading quite a lot of research papers so I can get some background information on my topic, and so far everything's going well...

(T1B19) Progress

Ok so the science fair proposal is due in about a week... I did massive amounts of research these days (that's why I'm so exhausted). Anyways I narrowed down my idea. It's not going to be about antibiotic resistance anymore so I'm working on a renewable energy project.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

(T1B18) Mentors...


My friend got me a fragrance mist from Bath and Body works, as well as this pretty black notebook! I had a nice dinner and cake at home and my dad got me a Wacom pen for ipad air 2! I can't believe he would actually buy such an expensive pen... (It's like 99 bucks).

Image result for a thousand wishes body spray
This is the pretty fragrance mist my friend got me!!!

(T1B17) Mentors...


I started writing my emails for possible mentors from the UBC microbiology/biochemistry department. Unfortunately none of the professors actually do research on bacteriophages, so I may need to change topics eventually... So far I sent out a email to Natalie Strynadka, a biochemist specializing in antibiotic resistance. I'm pretty sure she won't respond though.

Image result for biochemistry lab
Their labs look AMAZING though!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

(T1B16) Agressive Dog Attack

So I was looking through the news and found this article about a dog that was running around everywhere and bit this man while his son fell down Link. I don't really know who to blame. Humans shouldn't be able to keep pets that are likely aggressive because they are wild animals, not "pets" that live with humans.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

(T1B15) Interview Suggestions

Just saw the most cliche interview ever (also the worst). This student that wants to get in some pretty serious ivy league universities forgot where the interview was taking place, arrived late, and was not at all prepared. Also, the answers were sooo predictable. When she was asked what her dreams were, she said 2 sentences about why she wanted to go to the school.

A piece of advice: Prepare for your interview and be honest. (some cases not always what interviewer wants to hear)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

(T1B14) Missed School Again...

I still have a fever... Hopefully I get better tomorrow. I'm really glad that I didn't have to do the fitness test and 6-laps when I was sick.

Monday, September 19, 2016

(T1B13) Sick

I was sick for the whole day, so I'm pretty sad that I missed volleyball tryouts... I wish they have another tryout for people that missed the first one.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

(T1B12) Sick

I got a sore throat and fever in the morning, but miraculously healed right now.

Here's a picture of sore throat bacteria:
Image result for sore throat bacteria microscope

Saturday, September 17, 2016

(T1B11) DIY School Supplies ❤

Here's a quick DIY binder cover: Paint a pretty galaxy image (below) and slide it under your cover. You can also slide a calendar in there, and mark important dates on your binder using a white-board pen.

Image result for watercolor galaxy tutorial

Friday, September 16, 2016

(T1B10) Dinner is Served!

I was starving when I got home so I decided to try cooking a new recipe! In this case, I only had some tortellini in my fridge so I made some Tortellini bake (which looks like this).
Image result for tortellini bake

I ended up adding some mushrooms, onion, garlic, and basil to my sauce to add more flavor. 
It turned out to be a great success!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

(T1B9) Work

Starting to get a little stressed with my science fair project... Better start my experiments soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

(T1B8) Advertising Posters

My business group for the charity project is awesome! Everybody is working really hard these days, and we managed to produce three advertising posters for our mug company so far (using Canva). I can't wait to start selling!

Here's one of our posters my partner made!

Thanks for Reading!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

(T1B7) Compilation of Bokeh Photography

Here are a few examples of pretty bokeh photography for your inspiration. Enjoy!

Image result for Paris bokeh
Image result for Paris bokeh
Image result for Paris bokeh

Monday, September 12, 2016

(T1B6) Business Project

Remember when I mentioned that my group needed to earn $1000.00 by the end of the year (you can find the post here: Click here) I managed to write up our whole project outline, and also began working on advertising posters on Canva (which by the way is awesome).

Image result for canva poster templates
Sneak peek of Canva poster templates.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

(T1B5) Science Fair

Tis' the season to work on science fair projects!
I'm trying to brainstorm some ideas to use... I'm probably going to use my antibiotic resistant idea, which is trying to use the resistant bacteria's own immune system to destroy its strain by using phage therapy to mess up its genes. Basically something to do with gene expression. I'll keep you updated on my project!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

(T1B4) Chalkboard Mugs???

For a class project, we're supposed to make a business and earn $1000.00 for a charity. I'm thinking about collecting mugs by donation and then painting them with a chalkboard paint (which you can decorate later). Then my group can just sell the painted mugs for donation. Of course I still have to contact the BC Children's hospital for some additional information, but I think we're all set!

Here's a quick DIY for the mugs:

Image result for diy chalkboard mugs

You can find chalkboard paint here: eBay Link.

Thanks for Reading!

Friday, September 9, 2016

(T1B3) ♡ Kawaii Miniature Candy Bar Tutorial ♡


Today I'm going to be adding a tutorial for the miniature candy bars in my last post (which you can find here Link).

  1. Use the printable below (by ToniEllison) and print them out with colour on high quality. I used my own candy wrapper printable by using images of candy wrappers and resizing them to 12% their original size.
  2. Score and cut out the miniature wrappers using an x-acto knife. Add a filler of clay (I used Daiso Soft Clay = $2.50) or aluminium foil/tissue paper.
  3. Seal with glue and allow to dry.
  4. Finish off with some triple thick glaze or clear nail polish.

    Image result for miniature candy toniellison
    Here is the Printable.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

(T1B2) Crafting Fun

This summer I was very interested in photo editing and using ebay to sell my crafts. I found this really useful book that went over all the steps to making an etsy account, and created an ebay account. I then spent some time making really cute tiny miniatures that I added to my store. Surprisingly the shop was quite successful, even though I am not adding new products anymore. Here's the link to this item: Miniature 12-Piece Candy Bars
I'm probably going to add a tutorial in the next post.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

(T1B1) First Blog

Hi there!

This is my first blog post of the term, and I am looking forward to my classes this week. I will hopefully be posting on my hobbies (Miniatures) and some academic advice.

See you in the next post!