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(T1B2) Crafting Fun

This summer I was very interested in photo editing and using ebay to sell my crafts. I found this really useful book that went over al...

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

(T1B25) Chemistry :(

There's a lot of chemistry in my science project that's really hard :(.
"The element has 82 protons and 82 electrons for a net neutral charge. There are 5 electron shells that are completely filled and 4 electrons in the 6th shell. The outer 4 electrons are available for chemical reactions. (Refer to the shell model which shows a dot for each electron). These outer electrons are named 6s2 and 6p2 and they can escape from the atom through a chemical reaction called oxidation to create a lead ion that has a +2 charge (missing 2 electrons) or a +4 charge (missing 4 electrons). The molecule that receives the electrons from Pb will be reduced. Oxidation and reduction reactions always occur together."

I'll need to do a lot of readings later.

Image result for i dont know what im doing meme

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