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(T1B2) Crafting Fun

This summer I was very interested in photo editing and using ebay to sell my crafts. I found this really useful book that went over al...

Saturday, September 10, 2016

(T1B4) Chalkboard Mugs???

For a class project, we're supposed to make a business and earn $1000.00 for a charity. I'm thinking about collecting mugs by donation and then painting them with a chalkboard paint (which you can decorate later). Then my group can just sell the painted mugs for donation. Of course I still have to contact the BC Children's hospital for some additional information, but I think we're all set!

Here's a quick DIY for the mugs:

Image result for diy chalkboard mugs

You can find chalkboard paint here: eBay Link.

Thanks for Reading!

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