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(T1B2) Crafting Fun

This summer I was very interested in photo editing and using ebay to sell my crafts. I found this really useful book that went over al...

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

(T1B60) Cancer

I heard that my teacher got kidney cancer :(. I hope he is doing well for his surgery.

(T1B59) Miniature Cotton Candy Tutorial

Wanna learn how to make super cute miniature cotton candy? Read on!

So the first thing that you want to do is to get some chalk and shave it with your scissors! Make sure you choose a colour related to cotton candy. I used red and blue. Next take a cotton ball and dip it into your chalk. Paint your toothpick white and glue it into your cotton ball. Like this:
Image result for shaved chalk  Image result for glue on toothpick

Have Fun!

(T1B58) Ebay Cotton Candy!

Just sold my miniature eBay Cotton Candy 1:12 scale set! Check it out here: Extremely cute handmade cotton candy CLICK HERE. Anyways I'm going to post a tutorial for it in the next post, so stay tuned!

(T1B57) Borders and Boundaries

During the afternoon I had a socials presentation on a border or boundary in our world. I decided to study the boundaries in income so I built a dollhouse containing the points I was going to talk about.

I based the house on this design:
Image result for poverty house model

(T1B56) I.C.E. Project

For the past couple minutes, I have been working on my I.C.E. project, which is a year long project where you study an essential question in four point of views: English, Science, Social Studies, and Media Arts. I'm having trouble coming up with facts for Media Arts and English, but everything else is going fine. I just finished writing a bibliography (formating took Forever).

Tips for projects like this: I like to write out all of my notes under a heading with the link to the site I used. When you submit your project, you'll know which sites you used and when you accessed them :))).

See you in the next post!

(T1B55) Volunteer

I was thinking that I needed to start working on my extracurricular volunteer services so I sumitted an application to Learning Buddies a few weeks ago. To my surprise, I was the only one in Grade 9 who actually got a call for interviews! Sadly, I saw the taxi which was supposed to pick me up leave :(. Oh well... I might get another call some other time.

Friday, November 11, 2016

(T1B54) Police

Just then I thought there was a bomb outside. Turns out it was a police officer trying to break down my neighbour's door when no one was answering. Apprently she hasn't left her house in a few days and someone called the police.